

Ovens and Confectioners

Ovens and Confectioners

Local ovens and patisseries where only artisan products can be found

Dairies and Butchers

Dairies and Butchers

List of dairies and butchers in the area

Agricultural Companies

Agricultural Companies

Agricultural companies, direct producers of their specialities

Food Companies

Food Companies

Food Sicilian companies that producers of preserves, sweet creams, liqueurs, dried fruit and cured meat.

Oil Mills

Oil Mills

Oil mills of the Sicani mountains district

Artists, Artisans and Cooperatives

Artists, Artisans and Cooperatives

Artists and Cooperatives of the territory, producers of unique pieces for gift ideas and home furnishings


Here you can see all the companies that work with us, in order to give you the possibility to buy their products.


ovens_and_confectioners Dairies_and_butchers
oil_mills agricultural_companies
food_companies artists,artisans,coop