Oleificio La Macina srl
Santo Stefano Quisquina (AG)
The Company
The company is located in the Sicani Mountains where the work of its olive growers translates into quality and flavors for a product considered to be of great value, unique in terms of excellence such as the preservation of physical-organoleptic properties and the unaltered scent of extra virgin olive oil.
The harvest is largely done by the hand-picking method and with a handcrafted experience from the first half of the 1900's, the company boasts last-generation milling lines, one continuous cycle and one type Traditional (for pressure) with total cold processing.
The company produces Biancolilla, Cerasuola and Nocellara del Belice oil. The product is yellow gold with green reflections and the scent is rich and strong, aromatic with medium fruity.